Web Developer & Designer


  • Odyssey

    A website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that displays an interactive 3D visualization of our solar system and gives information about each planet and star.

  • NASA Exoplanet Query

    A website that utilizes NASA provided data on every exoplanet currently known. The user can search for a planet and learn more instantly.


I am a web developer and designer with a Bachelors of Arts in Digital Media with a focus in web development from the University of Central Florida. As a web designer I create interactive designs that users will remember. I focus on building a beautiful space that is cohesive and easily navigable. I am inspired by all forms of art and I enjoy the stylistic choices of Henri Cartier Bresson, Mark Rothko, Micheal Kenna, and Ho Fan. I try to incorporate the design principles of these artists in my projects.

I enjoy experimenting with new concepts and creating applications that are unique. An example would be an audio visualizer that displays the current waveforms of the track. It features a playlist that can be created using the system dialog. The application stores the files location instead of the actual file, so there is no need to upload and wait for the file to process.